Ray Boltz's song, "Always Be a Child," is one of my favorite songs. Check it out on YouTube to listen to the whole song. This song reminds me of my complete dependence on God. In society, a child grows from an infant to a toddler and eventually becomes an independent adult, no longer relying on parents for everything.
Normally, adult children can decide whether they need their parents' help or even if they want them in their lives. Similarly, parents with adult children can choose to offer their help if they wish and if their children agree. As adults, we may not always want or need certain types of help from our parents.
My mom lives in Ghana. She visited the United States about three years ago and was very helpful during her stay. However, there were times when she wanted to choose my clothes or suggest a particular hairstyle for me. I had to remind her that I was no longer a child and capable of making those decisions on my own. It was clear to me that she still saw me as her little girl.
As children of God, our relationship with Him as our Father is quite the opposite. It seems that the older we get, the more we need God. As children of God, we are also reminded to embrace qualities such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12). As adult children, it requires humility to ask for help or even receive it when it is offered.
When I get up each day, I like to have a chat with the Lord, gently reminding Him to remember the promises He’s made to me. I acknowledge that I am His child and rely on Him to guide me throughout the day, provide for my needs, and comfort me when necessary.
No matter how mature we may think we are in our faith, we will never reach a point where we no longer need God. When we become indifferent or complacent about asking Him for help, it is a dangerous place to be. Remember, "See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!" (1 John 3:1).
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