As a young girl in Ghana, as in most countries, Christmas and Easter were exciting times. I would look forward to getting a new set of church dresses and a new pair of shoes. I remember Christmas and Easter as...
As a young girl in Ghana, as in most countries, Christmas and Easter were exciting times. I would look forward to getting a new set of church dresses and a new pair of shoes. I remember Christmas and Easter as...
As I sat in my car that day, I heard it—the familiar sound of bells ringing. I was parked on Church Street in downtown Roanoke, waiting to meet friends for lunch. It was 12 o’clock. I smiled as memories came...
Several months ago, one of my sons shared a derogatory joke about a political leader he had heard from a friend. This sparked a discussion about the importance of being respectful when talking about adults. These days, it's easy to...
It's back-to-school season for most schools around the states. Most parents may have already done their school supply shopping. If you are a last-minute parent like me, you did yours two or three days before your child's school reopened. Anyway,...
Have you ever been caught off guard by an unexpected comment from someone, maybe even a child? Sometimes, kids drop truth bombs that force us to face the reality of what they have been learning from us. One of...
There was a time in my life when hearing a word from God through a prophet was super important to me. Back then, I didn't think I was worthy enough for God to talk to me directly. I thought prophets...
I’m super excited to continue this series on "Parenting in the Fivefold Ministry" with you. It's based on the five spiritual gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11, which include Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers. I've already covered evangelists and apostles,...
My mom wasn't super strict, but she had a strong sense of right and wrong that she shared with me. It was all about following our Christian beliefs. If I stepped out of line, she'd remind me, "We don’t do...
When I read stories like the woman with the issue of blood (Mark5:24–34), the Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7:24–30), blind Bartimaeus (Mark10:46–52), Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1–10), the centurion (Matthew 8:5–13), etc., I get very excited—but not about their great faith even though...