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Have you ever been caught off guard by an unexpected comment from someone, maybe even a child? Sometimes, kids drop truth bombs that force us to face the reality of what they have been learning from us.

One of my favorite mentors, Rev. Funke Felix Adejumo, shared a powerful story in one of her messages. After church one Sunday, she and her sister were at home gossiping about a lady who seemed pregnant out of wedlock. Unexpectedly, that same lady visited their house. Rev. Funke's little daughter answered the door and innocently blurted out, “You're the lady my mommy and auntie said is pregnant and doesn't have a husband!” Rev. Funke said, "That was the last time I ever gossiped."

It's a funny story, but it teaches us a valuable lesson. We are always teaching our children, whether we realize it or not. Parents and adults are some of the most influential figures in a child's life. Kids learn from us through observation and conversations. Jesus, often called the greatest teacher of all time, had disciples who learned from Him simply by being around Him.

Similarly, as parents, we have the unique opportunity to shape our children's hearts and minds. Our influence extends beyond academic knowledge. We teach our kids about life, morality, and how to interact with the world, and that can become a template for them for the rest of their lives.

It's crucial to be mindful of what we teach through our words and actions because we're not just teaching our kids, but we're indirectly teaching our future grandchildren through what our kids learn from us now.

Psalm 78:1-8 is one of my favorite parenting scriptures. That verse inspired me to coin what I call the 4T—"Teach Them to Teach" (4T).

O my people, listen to my instructions.
Open your ears to what I am saying,
for I will speak to you in a parable.
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—
stories we have heard and known,
stories our ancestors handed down to us.
We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
For he issued his laws to Jacob;
he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them—
even the children not yet born—
and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands.
Then they will not be like their ancestors—
stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful,
refusing to give their hearts to God.

God calls Christian parents to be the primary spiritual leaders and teachers at home. It might seem daunting, but it's essential for the health and discipleship of our families. When we take on this role, we model Christ's love and empower them to pass on lessons they learn from us to their children. Because our kids learn from everything we say and do, we need to be careful of what we consciously or unconsciously teach them.



P.S.: Please know that I’m very grateful for your support and cheering you on to be the best spiritual leader in your homes, schools and offices. God sees all the sacrifices you make, and He is a great rewarder!








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