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It's back-to-school season for most schools around the states. Most parents may have already done their school supply shopping. If you are a last-minute parent like me, you did yours two or three days before your child's school reopened.

Anyway, three weeks ago, I was at Walmart piling pencils and notebooks into my cart as I checked off what I had and was yet to get. Suddenly, I thought about the school supply list and most parents' devotion to it. It's like these items are a must-have for our kids. There’s no way around it because it makes us look like irresponsible parents if we don’t get them for our kids.

But what caught my attention was, what if we looked at a back-to-school supply list the same way we did with a back-to-school prayer list? I started thinking about what the spiritual part of the list I was holding would look like. So, I've taken the liberty of imagining a spiritual school supply/prayer list.

Spiritual Sharpener: As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. I pray our children find good friends and good teachers who will positively influence them this year. Proverbs 27:17

Spiritual Erasers: I pray our children easily forgive their friends when they offend them. Isaiah38:17

Sharpened Spiritual Pencils: I pray our children will draw a line between good and evil and understand healthy boundaries. Deuteronomy 30:15-16 (GNT), Proverbs 22:28

Spiritual pens &notebooks: I pray that our children will never let loyalty and kindness leave them but write them deep within their hearts (Proverbs3:3 NLT). Also, I pray they will write down the vision God shows them about their life. Habakkuk 2:2

Spiritual Glue: I pray our children will be the ones who bridge the gap between two people who don’t get along. They’ll be peacemakers and repairers of breaches. Isaiah 58:12

Spiritual Binders: I pray our children will clothe themselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians3:14.

Spiritual Markers/Crayons: I pray that our children will enjoy brightening other people's days. Just as they use markers and crayons to add color to their artwork, may their presence be a source of joy and positivity for others (Philemon 1:7).

Spiritual Highlighters: Just as Jesus knew His plans here on earth, even at the age of 12, I pray our children will discover their assignment and be about God's business (Luke 2:41-52). I pray that God will illuminate their path with His divine purpose and help them understand why they are here on earth (Psalm 119:105).

Spiritual Dividers: Like Daniel and his friends, who rightly divided the Word of God, I pray our children will have the spirit of discernment. I pray that God will help them always to respond appropriately to different situations (2 Timothy 2:15)

Spiritual Tissue Box: Just as John comforted Jesus, I pray our children will be the kind of friend who loves at all times. May they be quick to comfort their friends when they face challenging times (Proverbs 17:17).

Spiritual Wipes: Just as the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, I pray our children will learn to run to Jesus and allow Him to cleanse them with His divine wipes when they mess up (1 John 1:17).

Spiritual Earbuds/Earphones: In a world filled with noise, I pray our children will tune into God’s voice and not focus on the distractions (Proverbs 2:1).

Spiritual Backpack: As our children carry their backpack filled with school supplies, may they also carry God’s Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11). Equip them with the knowledge and understanding to face each day with confidence and faith.

Throughout the school year, take time to celebrate spiritual milestones and answered prayers. This can be done through family discussions, journaling, meals or even over small celebrations. You can also encourage your children to come up with their own prayers for their school supplies. This can make the prayers more meaningful and engaging for them.






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